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Welcome To The Poniary OC Manager
Unknwon Version
by Christian \"Krissy\" Silvermoon

So... what is Poniary?
Poniary is an interactive tool to store details about characters you and maybe friends create. It was primarily created for storing MLP OCs, but can be used for others too. If you're like me an have like 50 characters, you probably like to document them to keep everything you do with them consistant!

Be careful not to refresh without saving!

Hopefully this Interactive OC Manager will help you keep track of your OCs as well as it does for me!

Happy Ponying!

Continue To Character List
Regular Expressions (RegEXP)
Regular Expressions are used in many computer programs and programing languages to determine if a string (aka a snippet of text), matches what you might want it to.

This page's puprose is NOT to teach you all the details of RegEXP, nor is it a complete tutorial... however, it will teach you how some of RegEXP's basic features work, and how it applies to Poniary and it's Search Feature.

To test out and practice Regular Expressions, a good place to check out is: Debuggex

The first thing to note is that certain characters are special and are not just what they appear to be. If you actually intend THAT character and it's a special one, you'll need to use a backslash (\) to escape the character from it's special function.

When searching in Poniary, things are case-insensitve and BBCode is removed, for simplicity
This means that "[b]Pineapples[/b][sup]are YUMMY[/sup]" is treated as "pineapplesare yummy" when searching.

Here are some examples of RegEXP in action:
This is a string of text. It will be the string we use for our examples.
This is the start of a line. This is NOT.
This NOT is not at the end of a line
That string ends here.

Characters that are special will be colored like so
Matches will normally be colored like this
Escaped Characters will be colored like this


This is a string of text. It will be the string we use for our examples.
This is the start of a line. This is NOT.
This NOT is not at the end of a line
That string ends here.

The ^ character means "Start of a line".
This means that only the This at the start of a line matches


This is a string of text. It will be the string we use for our examples.
This is the start of a line. This is NOT.
This NOT is not at the end of a line
That string ends here.

The $ character means "End of line".
Normally . means "Any character", but...
We used \ to escape it, meaning we literally want a "."
What if we literally want a \ ?
Just do "\\"


This is a string of text. It will be the string we use for our examples.
This is the start of a line. This is NOT.
This NOT is not at the end of a line
That string ends here.

Things are grouped together by ()!
So the above means This and/or That are matches!
Note that | is only special inside something like () and means "Or"
BBCode Reference
Bulletin Board Code is pretty common place on the Internet today... and you can use it here too!

BBCode is supported in nearly all feilds! Feel free to experiment!
Go nuts!
Supported BBCode
[b]Bold Text[/b]Bold Text
[i]Italic Text[/i]Italic Text
[u]Underlined Text[/u]Underlined Text
[s]Struckthrough Text[/s]Struckthrough Text
This is [sup]Superscript[/sup]This is Superscript
This is [sub]Subscript[/sup]This is Subscript
This is a [url=http://example.com]Named Link[/url]This is a Named Link
This is a regular link: [url]http://example.com[/url]This is a regular link: http://example.com
This text is [color=orange]Colored[/color]This text is Colored
[code]This is a codeblock[/code]
This is a codeblock
[char=Character Name]Character Link[/char]*Special. Will attempt to pull up character's page when clicked.
[char]Character Name[/char]*Special. Will attempt to pull up character's page when clicked.
[quote=Author says]Authored Quote[/quote]
Author says
Authored Quote
[quote]Unauthored Quote[/quote]
Unauthored Quote
[prisma]Prismatic/Rainbow Text[/prisma]Prismatic/Rainbow Text
[spoiler]Spoiered Text[/spoiler]Spoilered Text
[highlight=yellow]Highlighted Text[/highlight]Highlighted Text
Editing Charcter ID:

Character Name: Subtitle:
Images: [ +Add]

Ribbon Color:
Creator: [Set As Author]
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Special Talent:
Cutie Mark:

Custom Fields: [+New]

Coloration: [+New]

Family: [+New]


Abilities: [+New]
